Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a colourless, odourless gas, the Carbon Dioxide is formed when carbon is burned, or when people or animals breathe out: vital to life on Earth. 

Example Article of the Carbon Dioxide (CO2):

MIT Scientists Develop New Process To Convet CO2 into Fuel (Source: Oil Price on 6 December 2023): Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers developed an efficient process that can convert carbon dioxide into formate. Formate is a nonflammable liquid or solid material that can be used like hydrogen or methanol to power a fuel cell and generate electricity. The describing paper has been published in the journal Cell Press Physical Sciences. The search is on worldwide to find ways to extract carbon dioxide from the air or from power plant exhaust and then make it into something useful. One of the more promising ideas is to make it into a stable fuel that can replace fossil fuels in some applications. But most such conversion processes have had problems with low carbon efficiency, or they produce fuels that can be hard to handle, toxic, or flammable. Now, researchers at MIT and Harvard University have developed an efficient process that can convert carbon dioxide into formate, a liquid or solid material that can be used like hydrogen or methanol to power a fuel cell and generate electricity. Potassium or sodium formate, already produced at industrial scales and commonly used as a de-icer for roads and sidewalks, is nontoxic, nonflammable, easy to store and transport, and can remain stable in ordinary steel tanks to be used months, or even years, after its production. ... 

The Problem With Converting CO2 Back Into Fuel (Source: Oil Price on 24 May 2023): Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie researchers are working through the clogging problem in CO2 electrolysis. The greenhouse gas carbon dioxide can be converted into useful hydrocarbons by electrolysis. The design of the electrolysis cell is crucial in this process. The so-called zero-gap cell is particularly suitable for industrial processes. But there are still problems: The cathodes clog up quickly. The team’s research paper has been published in Nature Communications. The combustion of oil, coal or natural gas produces carbon dioxide, or CO2. This accused greenhouse gas is said to be a major driver of global warming, but it is also a raw material. It is technically possible to convert CO2 into useful carbon compounds, a process which requires energy, water, suitable electrodes and special catalysts. ... 

Weaponizing Carbon Dioxide In The 21st Century (Source: Oil Price on 4 September 2021): In the 20th century, oil became a major geopolitical weapon, most notably during OPEC’s 1973 oil embargo which caused a cataclysm shift in global power relations. OPEC continues to utilize this weapon to influence policy in the 21st century. Today, however, we are witnessing the development of another energy-related weapon that OPEC does not control: CO2. The power of CO2 was recently displayed by China when it signaled to the U.S. that it would not comply with its climate and decarbonization efforts if the U.S. continued accusing China of genocide. At the same time, China is increasing its reliance on coal, which will impact the global emissions targets set by Net Zero nations and allies. Notably, atmospheric CO2 from emitting countries is not beholden to terrestrial land borders. ...

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