Clean Energy

Clean Energy is electricity or nuclear power, that does not pollute the atmosphere when used, and a clean coal plant is simply a coal plant with emissions reduction technology.

Related Definitions in the Project: The Renewable Energy; Energy Definitions

Example Article of the Clean Energy:

White House Looks To Speed Up Clean Energy Permits (Source: Oil Price on 28 July 2023): The White House’s Council on Environmental Quality released a proposal on Friday that would change the way clean energy projects are reviewed for their impact on the environment. The government’s goal: to speed up the process. The proposal is geared toward changing the National Environmental Policy Act—or NEPA—regulations by lumping environmental reviews of multiple projects together instead of reviewing them one at a time. The proposal would also see federal agencies the ability to exclude even more project categories that would not need to be reviewed, and would limit environmental reviews that federal agencies have determined to have a significant and long-term impact. ... 

Is Clean Energy Really More Expensive Than Traditional Energy? (Source: Oil Price on 7 May 2023): The claim that clean energy is more expensive than traditional energy sources is frequently repeated and on the surface certainly appears true. If you delve deeper into the total costs and future costs of clean energy, it is a far more reasonable proposition than it may originally appear. There are multiple projects with the potential to completely disrupt energy markets, making even this debate about the immediate cost of clean energy obsolete. Judging from the news story, a PR firm had an assignment: to inform the world that clean energy prices exceed dirty energy prices, just as Republicans in Congress try to repeal large parts of the Inflation Reduction Act (which boosts clean energy). Maybe a coincidence. Politics is not our area of expertise. ... 

Clean Energy Sources Produced 39% Of Global Electricity In 2022 (Source: Oil Price on 12 April 2023): The world is on course for the first annual drop in the use of coal, oil and gas to generate electricity outside of a global recession or pandemic, according to a new climate change report. Renewables are now due to meet all growth in demand this year, a new study titled the Global Electricity Review 2023, claimed today. The report says “2022 will be remembered as a turning point in the world’s transition to clean power”, with non-fossil fuel-based energy sources now accounting for almost 40 percent. “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine made many governments rethink their plans amid spiking fossil fuel prices and security concerns about relying on fossil fuel imports. ... 

The Impressive Impact Of Clean Energy Projects On Global Emissions In 2022 (Source: Oil Price on 8 March 2023): According to a recent International Energy Agency (IEA) report, carbon emissions in 2022 rose by less than was feared, largely thanks to a multitude of new green energy projects worldwide. Carbon dioxide emissions worldwide increased by under 1 percent in 2022, or 321 million tonnes, lower than initially anticipated, according to the IEA. This was supported by the growth in solar and wind power, EVs, and heat pumps, as well as greater efforts at increased energy efficiency. Despite a rise in coal and oil use, in response to the global energy crisis, these efforts meant emissions did not rise substantially, particularly compared to the 6 percent increase seen in 2021. Despite the improvement last year, the world’s emissions are still rising in an unsustainable way, threatening the net-zero by 2050 scenario of many countries. Carbon emissions still totaled over 36.8 billion tonnes in 2022. However, the acceleration of renewable energy projects and the rollout of related technologies could support a rapid decrease in CO2 emissions. ... 

Clean Energy Investment In Australia Drops (Source: Oil Price on 12 August 2021): Australia saw just three new projects reaching the stage of financial commitment in the second quarter of 2021, the second-lowest tally for quarterly project commitments since early 2017, The Sydney Morning Herald reports, citing data from Australia’s industry group Clean Energy Council. The constant changes in Australia’s energy policies over the past year, as well as its resistance to commit to a net-zero by 2050 target like many industrialized nations, are part of the obstacles that solar and wind power projects in the country face, the Clean Energy Council and opposition politicians tell The Sydney Morning Herald’s Peter Hannam. “Investment in clean energy has fallen to levels not seen for several years as a result of the increased risks facing investors, including from grid connection and network constraints as well as the ongoing unpredictable and unhelpful government policy interventions and market reforms,” Kane Thornton, Chief Executive of the Clean Energy Council, told The Sydney Morning Herald. ...

China’s Clean Energy Plan Could Cost It $5 Trillion (Source: Oil Price on 8 October 2020): China’s plan to reach carbon neutrality by 2060 could end up costing it $5 trillion, Wood Mackenzie analysts have said in a new report. “The hefty bill is the total sum required for additional power generation capacity to accommodate the growth in electrification by 2050,” they noted. China is the biggest emitter of carbon dioxide but it is also the biggest investor in renewable energy projects. However, the country’s emissions are still on the rise and they will only peak in 2030, under current decarbonization plans. Europe has asked China to try and accelerate the decarbonization push, moving peak emissions to 2025. Last month, Beijing announced plans to become carbon neutral by 2060. "We aim to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060," President Xi Jinping told the United Nations General Assembly. ...

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