
The Infrastructure is a fundamental supporting facility that is the system of public works in a country, state or region, such as roads, telecommunication, water supply, effluent treatment, electrical grid, and public institutions including emergency response organisations, etc.

Related Definitions in the Project: The Project 

Example Article of the Infrastructure:

The Biggest Threat To U.S. Energy Infrastructure (Source: Oil Price on 9 November 2021): In July of 2020, a drone outfitted with 4-foot nylon ropes suspending a thick copper wire tried to short-circuit the grid at a Pennsylvania power substation. The machine, which was stripped of all its markings and memory card in order to obfuscate its origin, missed its target, crashing on the roof of an adjacent building. According to WIRED, the attack “constitutes the first known instance of a modified, unmanned aircraft system being used to ‘specifically target’ US energy infrastructure,” but it almost certainly won’t be the last. The United States is extremely vulnerable to attacks, particularly on our old and fraying power grids. In the last two years alone, we have seen two crippling cyberattacks that showed the extreme fragility of the country’s power grids -- first the SolarWinds cyber-espionage attack, which went unnoticed for six months and spread to organizations including NATO, the U.K. government, the European Parliament, Microsoft and others, and then the Colonial Pipeline attack, which caused major disruptions to the fuel supply chain in massive swaths of the southeastern United States all from the theft of a single password. ...

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