Three Dimensional Printer (3D Printer)

Three Dimensional Printer (3D Printer) is a machine used to create a three-dimensional object that produces layer by layer from a 3D files. The first 3D Printer was created in 1984 by Charles Hull who developed the first model based on the principle of stereolithograpy (STL). There are now many 3D printer models using different technologies like Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)which molten polymer is sprayed on a support layer and the model is built layer by layer.

Related Definitions in the Project: The Engineering; Computer Technology

Example Article of the 3D Printer:

The Rise of 3D Printing in the Energy Industry (Source: Oil Price on 25 December 2023): Several new technologies are lending themselves to the improvement of the energy industry, from machine learning to artificial intelligence (AI). One such technology is 3D printing, which is allowing companies across several energy sectors to quickly print vital components to improve efficiency and cut delivery costs and times. The technology is expected to drive forward both oil and gas operations, as well as renewable energy activities and nuclear power, as more companies adopt the 3D printing equipment. ConocoPhillips has been drilling for oil in Alaska for over half a century. The harsh, cold conditions make operations particularly complicated, with difficulties in accessing supply chains and the need for regular maintenance work on equipment. Until recently, this is something the oil major had to contend with through traditional avenues. But thanks to greater modernization and digitalization, ConocoPhillips can now respond to challenges more quickly and efficiently. Alaska’s North Slope, which lies close to the Arctic Ocean, is one of ConocoPhillips’s three major development programs in Alaska. Despite its difficult conditions, it is highly lucrative for the company. ... 

How 3D Printers Could Transform The Energy Industry (Source: Oil Price on 2 May 2022): The potential for 3D printing in the energy industry is gradually becoming clear. After years of encouraging oil and gas majors to adopt the technology for on-site additive manufacturing, printing firms are finally being recognized for their potential in the field. The global 3D printing market was worth over $13 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 20.8 percent between 2022 and 2030. So far, one of the biggest uses of technology has been for medical needs. But as the market rapidly expands, other industries are looking at how the technology might be used to enhance operations. 3D polymer material manufacturers have been making medical devices such as hearing aids, which have a high demand in the U.S. Having perfected the technique of creating several medical devices, 3D printing companies believe that can also add significant value to the energy sector by creating components needed on energy sites. This would decrease the amount of time needed to obtain vital components when they break, as well as reduce the carbon footprint of having to ship these pieces. It also has the potential so solve some of the key supply chain problems energy companies are currently dealing with. ...