
A Watchdog is 1) a dog kept guarding private property; 2) a person or organisation responsible for making certain that the organisation's procedures or standards are properly followed, and do not act illegally; 3) independently monitors the duration of internal hardware functions or program functions, or operating system software functions, or a combination of hardware and software which will operate desired specific actions to be performed.

Related Definitions in the Project: The Project Management 

Example Article of the Watchdog:

Watchdog Has Grim Winter Warning: There May Be Blackouts (Source: Oil Price on 12 November 2023): As much as two-thirds of the United States could experience blackouts in peak winter weather this and next year, the North American Reliability Corp has warned. These warnings have become something of a routine for the regulatory agency lately. Earlier this year, NERC issued a blackout warning for some parts of the U.S. over the summer, citing extreme temperatures. This latest warning also has to do with extreme temperatures. Yet it's not just the temperatures themselves that are the problem. It's the power generation mix that is making the grid more vulnerable. In its latest assessment, NERC cited recent data showing that up to a fifth of generating capacity could be forced offline in case of a cold snap over areas that do not normally get this kind of weather. ... 

Nuclear Watchdog: Ohio Delivers “Death Blow” To Renewables (Oil Price on 18 July 2019): As Ohio is close to rescuing FirstEnergy’s two nuclear reactors in the state from early retirement by providing financial subsidies, opponents of the nuclear and coal industries and proponents of green energy say that the move may very well be the “death blow” to renewables in the state.  On Wednesday, the Ohio Senate passed a bill to set up subsidies of US$150 million annually for the nuclear power plants Davis-Besse and Perry, owned by FirstEnergy Solutions. The bill is expected to be sent to Ohio Governor Mike DeWine this week, Josh Price, a senior analyst at Height Capital Markets, told Reuters on Wednesday. ...