Climate Change

Climate Change is a change in global or regional climate patterns that is a term frequently used in reference to global warming due to greenhouse gas emissions from human activities.

Related Definitions in the Project: The HSE Management; Project Management 

Example Article of the Climate Change:

$35 Trillion Needed In Transitional Technologies To Limit Climate Change (Source: Oil Price on 20 April 2023): The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has warned that the world is currently off track to meet its climate goals and prevent the worst impact of the climate emergency. IRENA said that significant work would need to be done to redirect the course of the existing track. Not only will this require more ambitious climate policies from countries worldwide, but a significant boost in investment will be needed as well as global support for a green transition in lower-income countries. IRENA published a report in March outlining the current climate situation, taking into account new climate policies and action being taken by the major world powers. The report found that an extra $35 trillion of funding will be needed in transitional technologies by the end of the decade to reduce global heating to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as stated in the Paris Agreement targets. The organisation acknowledged the progress of recent years, mainly in the power sector where renewables now account for 40 percent of installed power globally. However, the green energy pipeline is far below the amount required to stick to the 1.5oC limit. ... 

Is Nuclear Waste More Dangerous Than Climate Change? (Source: Oil Price on 8 November 2021): What’s worse: climate change or radioactive nuclear waste with a half-life of tens of thousands of years? This is the question at the heart of a debate over nuclear energy that is currently ramping up against the backdrop of the COP26 climate summit taking place in Glasgow. Of course, this is an oversimplification. There is a lot of nuance to the arguments for and against nuclear energy. Critics of nuclear energy point to high costs, the reliance of the industry on government handouts, the risk of a potential nuclear meltdown, and the cost of storing and maintaining nuclear waste for hundreds and thousands of years. “Reactors worldwide produce thousands of tons of highly radioactive detritus per year, on top of what has already been left by decades of harnessing the atom to electrify homes and factories around the world,” the Associated Press reported this week. ...

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