Construction Boxscore Database

The Hydrocarbon Processing’s Construction Boxscore Database: For more than 60 years, Hydrocarbon Processing magazine remains the only source that collects and maintains data specifically for the HPI community, publishing up-to-the-minute construction projects from around the globe with our online product, Construction Boxscore Database. The database covers active construction projects across the global refining, petrochemical and natural gas/LNG industries and is updated daily by a global team of editorial professionals.
As new opportunities emerge in the global HPI, Hydrocarbon Processing’s Construction Boxscore Database aims to give companies the tools and perspective to recognize market trends and win new business. The global HPI is more competitive than ever. By providing timely, accurate information about current projects, Hydrocarbon Processing’s Construction Boxscore Database provides subscribers with actionable insight that they can apply towards their own market research, budgeting and planning. (Source:

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ThePD (The Project Definition)

ThePD has been developing the Preferred Project Definitions based on the actual project execution and operation experiences and knowledge with the Project Language, and sharing with you daily basis.