Proposal Process

Proposal Process is the proposal document preparation and development work process that can be defined 3 steps: 1) Pre-Proposal activities – Define business/ sales objectives; Clarify key client issues, needs, and objectives; Assess competitive positions (winning strategy); Develop differentiations; Develop client’s evaluation criteria. 2) Proposal Development activities: Organise proposal team and assign proposal manager; Analise ITB and highlight key issues; Develop detailed Scope of Work (SOF and SOS) document; Develop comprehensive compliance checklist; Utilise story telling methods to cover all requirements; Define innovations and link to commercial benefits; Highlight selling points link to client’s interest; Review legal and commercial terms and conditions. 3) Post Proposal activities: Be prepared for negotiation and clarification; Client focusing mindsets; Focus on client issues, needs, and objectives; Hand Over to Project Team.

Related Definitions in the Project: The Project Proposal; Project Management

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